Hacked By Z-BL4CK-H4T [L4M]

[ أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأشهد ان محمد رسول الله ]
= For You =
Gaza... a very simple genocide in a developed country? advanced civilization? Developed countries must have sophisticated weapons and terrible military equipment, but instead they are used to kill our children. Is this what is called a developed country? Is this what is called a modern country? A very simple country like Gaza Palestine is shunned by the UN. Only developed countries with great combat equipment and a high economy are worthy of being in the UN. Greetings from us, a group of wounded people."

[+] Cursed Country Supporting Israel Zionists.. We Indonesian Hackers Will Destroy The Websites of Countries Supporting Israel. Give Freedom To Palestine [+]

Contact: Z-BL4CK-H4T
THANKS TO - ALIXSEC - NTB CYBER TEAM - XseC404 - UNDERGROUND-NET - DXPLOIT - WHO I AM INDONESIA - CYBER HACKER 71[Bangladesh] - CYBER REVULOTION X - SURABAYA WHITE ATTACKER - TEAM SCORPION - GARUDA_ERROR_SYSTEM - GHOST_OF_GAZZA_TEAM - Moroccan_Dragons - DragonForceMalaysia - HackerNews - DeadSec - Cyberhacker - 177members - Cyber Opration Culture - FANATIX LEGION 2.0 - Lubuklinggau Cyber Team - TEAM_ARXU - RADENET64 - RipperSec - Ethersec - InvestigationAnonymous - PALU ERROR SYSTEM - DEFACER KAMPUNG - RexxHxH - All Muslim Hackers - AND ALL ALLIANCE